Web Analytics

3 Latest Announced Rounds

  • $80,000,000
    Series C

    2 Investors

    IT Services and IT Consulting
    Sep 27th, 2024
  • $2,143,528

    1 Investors

    Computer & Network Security
    Sep 27th, 2024
  • $12,000,000

    2 Investors

    Research Services
    Sep 27th, 2024
$1,390.46M Raised in 84 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile

Wordsmith AI

start up
United Kingdom - Edinburgh
  • 21/06/2024
  • Seed
  • $5,000,000

Built for in-house legal operations teams. Make your legal team a delight to interact with across the business using leading AI models.

Let anyone discover any legal knowledge, self serve workflows, triage and spot risks and let your legal team scale effortlessly.

Related People

Ross McNairnFounder

Ross McNairn United Kingdom - Edinburgh, Scotland

Technical, user centric exec & lawyer