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3 Latest Announced Rounds

  • $80,000,000
    Series C

    2 Investors

    IT Services and IT Consulting
    Sep 27th, 2024
  • $2,143,528

    1 Investors

    Computer & Network Security
    Sep 27th, 2024
  • $12,000,000

    2 Investors

    Research Services
    Sep 27th, 2024
$1,390.46M Raised in 84 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - Redwood City, California
  • 23/08/2024
  • Series A
  • $14,000,000

88% of the people in the US are unable to navigate the complexity of the healthcare system without help.

Solace Advocates are doctors, nurses, CHWs, and healthcare administrators that provide integral navigation and support to enable whole-patient care and drive cost savings, resulting in 98% better clinical outcomes.

Fully reimbursed by Medicare, Solace partners with payers to support their members and employees across the entire spectrum of the healthcare journey—from understanding their benefits and associated costs of care to navigating complicated diagnoses, hospitalization and chronic illnesses. In doing so, we deliver on our mission to bring humanity back to healthcare by empowering patients, improving outcomes, and restoring the promise of the US healthcare system.

Learn more at Solace.health.

Related People

Jeremy GurewitzFounder

Jeremy Gurewitz United States - San Francisco Bay Area