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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$820.42M Raised in 63 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
Germany - Frankfurt am Main, Hessen
  • 05/04/2023
  • Unknown
  • $14,221,000

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Alexander MichelCo Founder

Alexander Michel Germany - Frankfurt, Hesse

I am driven by curiosity and passion to find and create solutions that improve life in general and create beneficial impacts for customers in particular. As Digital Pioneer I thrive on being an entrepreneur and grasping the opportunity to develop and implement creative ideas that are based on state-of-the-art technologies. It’s a role I continue to find my feet in and more importantly it's a role that enables me to consider my tasks rather enjoyable pleasure than dreary work. In the upcoming years, I would like to continue taking intelligent risks in terms of innovations to nurse my relentless desire to provide customers with superior services and improve companies’ competitive advantages in the increasingly influencing digital world.