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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$1,183.12M Raised in 45 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - New York, NY
  • 14/09/2023
  • Unknown
  • $9,000,000

Deduce uses a vast identity network to fight back against account takeover and new registration fraud.

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Ari JacobyFounder

Ari Jacoby United States - New York City Metropolitan Area

Start-up executive with corporate experience at the intersection of Data & Technology. Primarily focused on revenue generation through sales efforts, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, strategic M & A & licensing deals.

Specialties: Data, identity, risk, cybersecurity, CXO-level sales, business development, corporate development, corporate strategy, licensing, International strategic alliances, fundraising, M&A, product development.

At Deduce, we have changed online fraud technology forever, providing the world’s first real-time online suspicious login alerts for 1% of the cost of systems previously only accessible to Internet giants.

Before now, suspicious login alerts have only been available to businesses who could afford million-dollar-plus Identity Access Management Enterprise Suites to protect their client’s accounts. With Deduce Suspicious Login Alerts, companies of all sizes can now secure their user’s online accounts cost-effectively.

Typical fraud tools focus on identifying risk using techniques to detect anomalies across a user's network, device, or behavioral interactions at a given moment in time. They are most effective at identifying bots and automated traffic, but know little about the identity of users.

In contrast, we augment existing fraud and risk management tools by providing a unique perspective into a specific user's behavior across billions of historical interactions. Given a wealth of telemetry data, discrepancies can be detected against a user's expected online activity to isolate fraud.

Our Customer Alert network adds intelligence as it scales; every data signal ingested drives our ability to quickly adapt to the next attacker - another key point of differentiation. In addition, the moat in our business is the network effect we achieve. Our system gets smarter with every transaction - it learns - benefiting all of our new and our existing customers as well.

This move from remediation to prevention is crucial to both shut down the black market economy and deliver on ever-growing customer expectations of online safety.

Authentication security and account takeover prevention are a top priority. Deduce enabled us to quickly embrace a best practice, leading to increased customer retention and real ROI." - Mahmoud Ali. Head of Security Assurance, 100x Group

Contact me direct: ari@deduce.com