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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$13,509.83M Raised in 76 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - New York, NY
  • 08/05/2024
  • Series B
  • $18,000,000

Use the most complete and accurate set of public company historicals to build and update your models in your preferred method and format with Daloopa.

Key data is added to your models instantly.

Faster data powers faster and better insights.

Are you ready to gain your edge with Daloopa?

Get in touch at hello@daloopa.com.

Related People

Thomas LiCo Founder

Thomas Li United States - New York, New York

Daloopa is an AI-driven startup that updates your financial models in real time for institutional investors. We provide you with full complete builds for thousands of public companies, and update any models you have built with our software in seconds. Speak to us if you want to automate away earnings updates.