Web Analytics

3 Latest Announced Rounds

$631.05M Raised in 57 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - New York
  • 02/02/2022
  • Seed
  • $4,000,000

To excel at eCommerce you need to be really good at so many things, mastering many different skills.

All of the tools and platforms you work with while operating your store offer you data, reports and dashboards to help you do a better job - but actually reading into and acting on it always gets pushed to the back of your huge to-do list. Even when you do make the time to look at your data, configuring and understanding it adds more to your already full plate.

In the off chance that you get some insights, you are still left with the main question - what should you do about it?

Blyp is the super analyst you always wished you had on your team. The one who can look into all of your store's data across all tools and platforms, dive into the numbers then surface issues with recommendations to solve them. Or even better - Blyp will solve them for you. It's like magic.

Take analytics off your task list. Skip the dashboards and go straight to the actions to take your eCommerce business to the next level.

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