Certified by Founder
start up

- 13/11/2024
- Unknown
- $3,506,525
Salesfire provides retailers with data-led, intelligent customer journey optimisation solutions that guide online shoppers through the buying funnel and retain them within the ecosystem.
Leveraging customer insights, Salesfire empowers businesses to boost on-site engagement, personalise user experiences, and drive revenue growth. From first-party data collection to advanced analytics, Salesfire harnesses the power of AI to identify more shoppers, enhance retargeting and transform visitor data into sales.
For more information, please visit www.salesfire.co.uk or reach out to one of our team at enquiries@salesfire.co.uk.
- Industry Advertising Services
- Website https://www.salesfire.co.uk/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/salesfireuk/