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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$1,738.89M Raised in 75 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - Norwich, VT
  • 03/10/2023
  • Unknown
  • $1,500,000

AskFora creates solutions that help you do better work with people you know. By bringing AI to the Future of Work, AskFora’s technology automatically maps the skills of employees and candidates in today’s rapidly evolving talent pools, delivering better outcomes for employers and workers.

AskFora automatically learns about employee skills from public and private sources, including LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter/X, news, blogs, employee-submitted data, and organizational data about courses, certifications and experiences specific to each employee. For individual workers who upload their own data, AskFora instantly creates a skills-map based on that data, and suggests where they can focus on upskilling.

AI-driven skills-mapping gives executive teams, managers, and HR professionals critical insight into the abilities of their employees. HR departments then quickly create robust, skills-based inventories and mappings for virtually any sized company regardless of the complexity and opaqueness of skills. Organizations identify and source talent for the skills they need following the guidance of AskFora's AI chatbot, named Fora. AskFora’s core data set for its AI model currently spans more than 5 million professionals and a quarter million skills.

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Omer TrajmanFounder

Omer Trajman United States - Norwich, Vermont

A business executive with deep technology experience, Omer has spent the past twenty years on the front lines, responsible for some of today's largest modern database management system deployments. Combining a background in Computer Engineering and a passion for customer success, Omer has an innate understanding of what it takes to make customers successful with new technologies. Omer thrives in fast paced, high growth environments including early stage ventures and startups.