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Funding Round Profile

에너지엑스 [Energy X]

start up
Korea, Republic Of - Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
  • 01/02/2023
  • Series B
  • $20,300,000

Energy X is an AI-driven online energy platform company based in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Energy X connects various energy market participants from individual households to EPC contractors and investors via its online and mobile Social Energy Platform. Backed by socially responsible venture capital investors, Energy X strives to become the global standard for clean energy development, consumption, and securitization.

에너지엑스는 소액투자자와 전력을 소비하는 개인 세대주에서부터 EPC, 금융기관까지의 다양한 유저들을 '소셜에너지'를 통해 연결시켜주는 「인공지능형 에너지 IT 플랫폼」입니다.

IT, 에너지, 금융, 법률 전문가들로 구성된 에너지엑스는 대중들에게 친환경 신재생에너지를 통한 수익 기회를 제공하고 미래의 후손들에게 푸르른 세상을 전해 줄 비전을 가지고 함께 나아갈 팀원을 찾습니다.

작은 전문가도 보람차게 기여하면서 성장할 수 있으며, 훌륭한 인재라면 더 많은 기회를 가질 수 있는 일들을 진행하고 있습니다. 저희의 비전을 함께 이루어갈 지원자 님을 기다립니다.

Related People

Sean (Sung Hyun) ParkCo Founder

Sean (Sung Hyun) Park Korea, Republic Of - Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea

#지속가능 #건축 #플랫폼 #에너지엑스

I see entrepreneurship as a vehicle to change the world.

Since 2018, I've been building the construction platform company, Energy X. Powered by AI-driven IT, energy, and financial technologies, Energy X connects everyone in construction and provides data-focused and optimized efficiency for transparent transactions and a sustainable future.

I envision Energy X to become the global standard for zero energy buildings, green remodeling, and renewable energy transitions.

Prior to founding Energy X, I was a venture capital investor leading Seed to Series B investment rounds of startups in Silicon Valley and Seoul. Notable portfolio startups include Tapas (sold for $510mn), Riiid (2021 unicorn), Stemore, and Soomgo.

I also had taken part in building an online private equity marketplace platform and rule-based stock investing technology.

Aside from my career as a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, I worked as a hedge fund analyst and portfolio manager in global equity.

My first entrepreneurial work involved selling Korean ramen noodles and snacks in my teenage years in Watsonville, California. I was born in South Korea and raised at a boarding school in California since age 12. Since, I've lived in Madison, Tokyo, Beijing, London, and Seoul.

#energyx #xquare #zeb #zeroenergybuilding
#에너지엑스 #엑스퀘어 #제로에너지빌딩