nCore HR

- 18/12/2023
- Unknown
- $2,182,000
nCore HR is a cloud-based Recruiting Automation Software that reduces the workload of professionals involved in recruitment functions by optimizing all repetitive tasks. Our goal is to give back to people more time to invest in value-added activities.
We are an innovative company whose mission is to contribute to the digital transformation of leading Companies. nCore HR is a simple and immediate tool that helps companies rethink their approach and boost their recruiting processes: create a unique user experience for recruiters, managers, candidates and external actors such as headhunters or employment agencies.
Our solution is built with remote screening features, supported by Artificial Intelligence and other innovative tools, that constantly evolve thanks to our user-centered development process.
Find the most suitable candidates, while saving time and costs.
At the distance of a click:
• Share the job positions in your website and dozens of job portals all over the world
• Set up fast and easily your environment
• Receive and manage all your applications, even in outsourcing
Get to know us, ask for a demo:
We speak Italian, English, Spanish, French, German and Russian, and the system supports even more languages!
- Industry Software Development
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Enrico AriottiCo Founder

Enrico Ariotti è un imprenditore coinvolto in diverse aziende che operano nel settore IT. E' fondatore di Macro Web Media, tra le prime web agency nate sul territorio Italiano e di MWM CED, società che opera nel campo del private cloud. E' Co-founder di Bringtech, divisione specializzata nello smartworking e SmartFlow365 società che sviluppa con un approccio innovativo i processi aziendali su piattaforme Sharepoint. Recentemente ha lanciato la StartUp nCore HR che si occupa di supportare gli HR ad automatizzare le operazioni non-core che tipicamente occupano il 60% del tempo dedicato nelle Risorse Umane. Talent Value Leader, Analitycs, Automation e Agility sono i 4 punti cardine del software interamente scritto e sviluppato dalla nuova startup.
Enrico ha una esperienza ventennale molto ampia del settore web grazie alle specificità delle tecnologie adottate dalle aziende per la quale lavora e per i progetti che gli sono stati commissionati negli ultimi anni da diverse aziende europee.