Certified by Founder
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- 15/05/2023
- Unknown
- $543,795
Meet ingarden - the #1 alternative to supplements. we empower you to grow fresh, nutrient-rich microgreens at home, paving the way to a healthier, more radiant, and vibrant self. Our groundbreaking hydroponic technology and award-winning smart garden design make it easy for you to harvest the most nourishing superfoods directly from your own garden in just 7 days. Let's grow together and treat your senses to the best microgreens that nature has to offer. Be your best self with ingarden.
- Industry Wellness and Fitness Services
- Website https://ingarden.com/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/ingardencom/
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Mariana FerreiraCo Founder

Let's talk about your next big idea, Product Innovation, Go to Market strategy, disrupting stereotypes, operational efficiency, growth hacks, team building, start-ups, investments, growth.