Certified by Founder
start up

- 05/04/2023
- Seed
- $6,000,000
Trustle helps front-line teams get their permissioning under control, so they can get back to the jobs they’re hired to do. Trustle makes it easy for developers and ops teams to go in and and out of access to cloud systems like AWS, which cuts out hassles, time, and headaches, while making the whole cloud environment safer and more secure.
With Trustle, system owners create a catalog of permissions that front-line users can request access to. Based on policy, Trustle grants access for a limited time, just-in-time, or until revoked. We also provide deep visibility for security teams to review access, which makes audit and certification tasks easy and always current.
- Industry Information Technology & Services
- Website https://www.trustle.com/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/trustlesecurity/
Related People
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