Prompt AI

- 29/09/2023
- Seed
- $5,000,000
Democratizing computer vision.
- Industry Software Development
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Tete XiaoCo Founder

I am working on a startup in AI.
I did my PhD in AI at the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) Lab at the University of California, Berkeley. I worked on computer vision, robotics and machine learning, with a focus on learning scalable representations via deep learning.
I have been publishing highly cited research papers at top-tier conferences and journals and working on large-scale AI algorithms since sophomore year in college (see Google Scholar for more details My work has been applied to a variety of downstream applications, including autonomous driving, image generation and editing, robotics, medical imaging, remote sensing, and scientific discovery in neuroscience. My open-source codes on GitHub are viewed hundreds of thousands of times and downloaded tens of thousands of times annually.
I received the B.S. degree in Intelligence Science, summa cum laude, from Peking University (PKU) in 2019.