Certified by Founder
Munro Vehicles
start up

- 03/01/2024
- Unknown
- $1,263,000
Munro MK_1: A highly capable, multi-purpose electric utility vehicle suitable for any terrain.
- Industry Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
- Website https://www.munro-ev.com/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/munro-vehicles/about/
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Russell PetersonCo Founder

In over 10 years of experience in the tech industry I've worked closely with companies big and small to develop innovative b2b and consumer-facing digital products, most recently helping start-ups and SMEs to design and build innovative and inspiring digital products using the "Minimum Viable Product" methodology. I'm now co-founder and CEO of All Terrain All Electric (aka Munro Vehicles), a company focused on building unique electric vehicles.