
- 17/11/2022
- Pre-Seed
- $1,200,000
Mifundo is a pan-European cross-border platform, connecting people with banks regardless of their location. Our AI will find the credit offers based on client data and will find the best loan terms from banks over the Europe
Our service is novel and game changer - no longer lending has borders but now the customer can choose the bank between different options from different countries.
- Industry Financial Services
- Website https://mifundo.com/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/mifundo-com/about/
Related People
Kaido SaarCo Founder

CEO & Co-Founder of Mifundo - AI-based platform which breaks the borders in EU, making it to be one single lending market for the banks. Being the bridge which connects consumers and banks, regardless of their location and country in EU.
Strong experience in banking and consumer finance, Ex-CEO of Bigbank Group. Also I have been responsible for the business growth and international expansion of the bank.
I am socially active, currently being Chairman of Board in FinanceEstonia - the cluster organisation for the financial sector and fintech scene in Estonia. Being highly innovation-minded I have also hold the role of Head of FinTech there.