
- 18/05/2023
- Pre-Seed
- $4,000,000
Health systems globally are facing similar pressures, including rising costs driven by increasing incidence of chronic diseases, an aging population, inequitable access to services, and gaps in workforce and infrastructure. In addition, changing customer expectations are driving a need for more personalised, digital, seamless and integrated care experiences.
Solving these challenges is what we believe in. It’s what gets us out of bed each morning. It pushes us to constantly reimagine how we can care for each other better. Care for you and your family. For all the things you need help with. For all the ways you want to help others. Across the entire world. In real time. At the incredible speed of now.
- Industry Technology, Information and Internet
- Website
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Mark WoodlandFounder

Mark Woodland is an Entrepreneur. He is also known as Mark Alexander Woodland. He was born on June 28, 1982. He is an Australian business executive and retired Australian Army NCO who served in the Royal Australian Artillery and Australian Army Psychology Corps. His military service included deployment as part of Operation Relex. He is the Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Kismet and Founder of Xplor.