Certified by Founder
start up

- 25/05/2023
- Unknown
- $6,500,000
Leading a new era of Open Loyalty by expanding and enhancing existing loyalty and engagement programs with digital asset experiences.
Kigo’s Rewards Hub is the first and largest aggregated rewards marketplace for crypto and NFTs.
- Industry Financial Services
- Website https://kigo.io/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/kigoio/
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Peter SchultzeFounder

Entrepreneur at my core. Currently building Heaps to help brands and financial institutions connect with crypto-curious people, while creating the simplest and most rewarding place to learn about and experience Bitcoin and crypto. Previously I built Plyo (plyoapp.com) with a mission to reward healthy lifestyles. Prior to that, I built and sold a niche digital marketing company.
Passionate about economic freedom, health & fitness, creative pursuits, and science fiction.