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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$631.05M Raised in 57 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
Viet Nam - Ho Chi Minh City
  • 26/01/2022
  • Pre-Series B
  • $15,600,000

Vietnam #1 AI-powered platform for job and talent market intelligence:
JobHopin is the Vietnam 1st career management and recruitment platform powered by AI/ML technology, which automates the sourcing process and helps the recruitment happen FASTER, EASIER, SMARTER.

The leading HR technology platform in South East Asia:
JobHopin aims to be the leading HR technology platform in South East Asia, starting with Vietnam.
Via Bunny AI, JobHopin is shaping the future of work with real-time market analytics and practical recommendations for a smarter recruitment and career management process.

Related People

Kevin Tung N.Founder

Kevin Tung N. Viet Nam - ND

Join our mission: https://www.jobhopin.com/about-jobhopin/en

Forbes Asia 30 Under 30
Enterprise Technology category judged by AI expert Kaifu-Lee of Sinovation Ventures, Outblaze CEO Yat Sui and InfoSys, Axilor Co-Founder SD Shibulal

Latest story with Vietnam Business Review: https://bit.ly/NCDTJobHopinBunny

Other News Coverage:
Nhip Cau Dau Tu: http://bit.ly/jobhoponNCDT19
DealstreetAsia: http://bit.ly/DealstreetJobHop

Join our team and help us solve SEA biggest talent and education problems !
AI / ML Software Engineer: http://bit.ly/JobHopAIEngineering
Mobile Dev: http://bit.ly/mobiledevjobhop

More about JobHop: http://tuyendung.jobhop.vn