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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$13,509.83M Raised in 76 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
Georgia - Lampoldshausen
  • 09/07/2024
  • Pre-Seed
  • $2,163,820

InSpacePropulsion Technologies (ISPTech) is a Spin-Off of the Institute of Space Propulsion at the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

Current space propulsion systems offer either low cost or a high reliability. With our solutions – based on thousands of hot firing tests at DLR’s facilities – we can serve both worlds: offering low costs with high performance and high reliability.

Our two technologies are suitable for all spacecraft sizes and classes – ranging from cubesats to large satellites, capsules or landers. No matter, if you are a NewSpace player, a large satellite integrator or an institutional organisation, we will offer the right propulsion solution for your specific application.

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Lukas WerlingCo Founder

Lukas Werling Germany - Hardthausen am Kocher, Baden-Württemberg

I am fascinated by space, rockets and spaceflight since I was a little child.

After studying mechanical engineering at KIT in Karlsruhe, it was clear for me to got to DLR's Institute of Space Propulsion and help shaping future space propulsion technology.
Working for DLR sind 2010, I was involved or headed numerous projects funded DLR internally, by ESA, EU or industry to conduct research on green propellants, componentes for propulsion systems or green propulsion in general.

In parallel to the project work, I was responsible for DLR's M11 test facility for nearly 10 years, conducting literally thousands of hot firings with different propellants, thruster or experimental hardware. Developing and testing rocket propulsion hardware is definitely one of the most interesting and fun jobs you can imagine.
And yes, of course sometimes things go wrong...

Research is needed to overcame the technical challenges of different green propellants and to mature them to the level of conventional toxic propellants. To help solving some of these challanges, I focussed in my doktoral thesis on flame arresters for premixed propellants based on nitrous oxide.

During my work at DLR I published more then 50 papers together with other scientists and students and always enjoy the exchange with the space community!

Currently I am CEO of our spin-off ISPTech. ISPTech was founded in summer 2023 by my co-founder Felix and me. At ISPTech will serve every spacecraft and customer with the two most prospective propulsion technologies: HyNOx and HIP_11. Both technologies bring unique advantages, offering easy handling, non-toxic propellants and quick availability at low cost.

If you want to know more: just reach out!