- 03/03/2022
- Series A
- $23,000,000
Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions. Filo works 24*7 and the tutors are always available to explain, help, solve, in short, do whatever it takes to assist the student in that very moment. More than 1.5 million students across 15+ countries are using Filo to make their everyday learning better. Currently, there are 50,000+ tutors on Filo which makes it the largest community of tutors in the world.
As a company, we are an emerging youth-oriented e-learning startup that thrives on problem-solving capability and a positive attitude. As a team, we are on a mission to democratise education and make quality learning accessible for every student around the world.
- Industry E-learning Providers
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Imbesat AhmadFounder
A humble advocate of equalizing educational opportunities. Been a councilor, teacher & entrepreneur - building opportunities for students & aspiring leaders to mark an impact in the concerned state.
Currently, building an Ed-Tech product, FILO, an amalgamation of my 10 years of experience in education sector and some smart technology.