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$631.05M Raised in 57 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United Kingdom - London
  • 23/04/2024
  • Unknown
  • $3,455,284

FilmChain is the first digital Collection Account Management (CAM) service. Serving the global screen industries, FilmChain collects and allocates revenues transparently and in near real-time. For enterprises - digital distributors, broadcasters, studios - FilmChain has developed a royalties management system.
FilmChain won ‘Zinemaldia Startup Challenge’ at San Sebastian Film Festival 2020, ‘Startup of the Year’ London Business Awards 2020 and more.

Sign up for updates: http://filmchain.co/

Related People

Maria TanjalaCo Founder

Maria Tanjala United Kingdom - London, England

An avid lover of film, tech, and sociology.

Co-founder of FilmChain fintech infrastructure that collects, allocates, and analyses revenues for films & TV, empowering stakeholders with access to money and data.
For enterprises - distributors, broadcasters, streamers, studios - FilmChain offers the infrastructure to manage royalties calculation, costs, and reports.

Funded by Hearst, SFC Capital, Innovate UK, collaborating with Imperial College London.

"Startup of the Year" London Business Awards 2020
"Zinemaldia Startup Challenge" San Sebastian Film Festival 2020
"Equals Money Award" Makers and Shakers 2020
SXSW Pitch Finalist in Content and Entertainment 2020
"Gamechanger" Screen Awards 2019 Nominee
"Best Woman-led Investment in Innovation" UKBAA Awards 2019 Winner
"Ones to Watch" UK Companies 2019 by London & Partners, Digital Catapult
"Blockchain Founder of the Year" UK Tech Founder Awards 2018 Winner
"Rising Star" Screen Awards 2018 Nominee

HEARST Lab Female Founder
London Business Mayor's Programme (Scale-ups)
Techstars x Barclays alumna 2020
CDL Blockchain-AI Accelerator Toronto 2019
Mass Challenge 2016 Finalist