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3 Latest Announced Rounds

  • $80,000,000
    Series C

    2 Investors

    IT Services and IT Consulting
    Sep 27th, 2024
  • $2,143,528

    1 Investors

    Computer & Network Security
    Sep 27th, 2024
  • $12,000,000

    2 Investors

    Research Services
    Sep 27th, 2024
$1,390.46M Raised in 84 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile

1inch Network

start up
United States - Tortola
  • 01/12/2021
  • Series B
  • $175,000,000

The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols enabling the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in DeFi.

Related People

Anton BukovCo Founder

Anton Bukov Netherlands - Amstelveen, North Holland

I am involved in software development since 2002, for 7 years I was achieved strong C++ skills, for 5 years I became experienced iOS Developer, worked deep with network stack of protocols, algorithms, compilers, disassemblers, profilers and etc. Right now I am enchanted by blockchain crypto technologies and interested in consensus problem solutions for crypto projects.

В области разработки софта нахожусь с 2002 года, за 7 лет достиг strong C++ skills, за 5 лет стал продвинутым iOS-разработчиком, углубленно поработал с сетевыми протоколами, алгоритмами, компиляторами, дизассемплерами, профилировщиками и многим другим. На данный момент я очарован блокчейном и криптотехнологиями, в особенности решением проблем достижения консенсусов в криптопроектах.