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3 Latest Announced Rounds

  • $37,000,000
    Series A

    1 Investors

    Biotechnology Research
    Jul 16th, 2024
  • $6,500,000

    5 Investors

    Technology, Information and Internet
    Jul 16th, 2024
  • $63,000,000

    1 Investors

    Automation Machinery Manufacturing
    Jul 16th, 2024
$2,164.70M Raised in 66 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
  • 16/07/2024
  • Unknown
  • $300,000

TurnStay thrives at the intersection of fintech and travel, championing hassle-free experiences in travel payments. Our commitment is unwavering: providing clients with seamless access to a comprehensive global payment infrastructure. The result? A dramatic reduction in payment costs and a promise delivered - a fully localized payment journey. Join us as we redefine the financial contours of travel, one transaction at a time

Related People

Alon SternFounder

Alon Stern South Africa - City of Cape Town, Western Cape

I am a passionate entrepreneur and second-time founder, currently leading TurnStay, a travel payments company dedicated to dramatically driving down the cost of cross-border card processing. With a solid foundation in both academia and industry, I strive to create innovative solutions that address critical challenges in the travel and payments sectors.

Experience includes:

Founder and CEO of TurnStay: Leading a cutting-edge travel payments company focused on reducing the cost of cross-border card processing. Overseeing all aspects of the business, including strategic planning, operations, product development, and customer engagement. Building and leading a dedicated team committed to revolutionizing the travel payments landscape.

Founder of Slide Financial: Successfully led the company to profitability within three years.

Data Scientist and Data Leader: Spearheaded the data team at Prodigy Finance and worked as a data consultant.

Developed climate models at Princeton University’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL).

Academic Background:

PhD in Mathematics and Oceanography from NYU Courant Institute.

Conducted scientific research as a PhD candidate and postdoc at Princeton University, culminating in 17 published papers.

If you're interested in revolutionising travel payments or exploring innovative financial solutions, let's connect. I’m eager to collaborate with like-minded professionals and explore new opportunities.