Certified by Founder
start up

- 22/01/2024
- Unknown
- $1,088,000
Proactive guest messaging via WhatsApp. RUNNR.ai automes your first-line support by using A.I. and integrations.
- Industry Technology, Information and Internet
- Website https://runnr.ai/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/runnr-ai/about/
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Michiel de VorCo Founder

Entrepreneurial commercial leader with experience within start-ups and scale-ups. I have a passion for building high performing (commercial) teams and establishing successful global (integration) partnerships.
Creating and executing successful and scalable go-to-market strategies from scratch is something I enjoy.
I have a proven track record within global and start-up tech companies with a focus on marketplace, SaaS and e-commerce.