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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$820.42M Raised in 63 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - Los Angeles, California
  • 13/06/2024
  • Unknown
  • $5,000,000

Secure Data Collaboration and Computation for the most innovative companies.

Pyte (formerly known as CipherMode Labs) is a secure data collaboration solutions provider. The company’s cutting-edge technology allows marketers and data providers to collaborate, match and run computations on encrypted data without decryption at any point in the data lifecycle. Our technology enables enterprises to seamlessly leverage their data across cloud environments, partners, and jurisdictions while remaining privacy compliant and protecting against data breaches. Pyte’s proprietary secure multiparty computation (SMPC) cryptographic technology is based on a decade of academic research by Pyte’s co-founders Sadegh Riazi, CEO, and Ilya Razenshteyn, CTO. The company’s technology enables end-to-end encryption data collaboration software unlocking perfectly secure communication of data between two or more enterprises without ever having to move or share PII on consumers.

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Sadegh RiaziCo Founder

Sadegh Riazi United States - Los Angeles, California

Passionate about technology and science; especially in the area of privacy-preserving computing, computer architecture, and deep learning.

Past: Astrophysics, Brain-Computer Interface, EE.

Personal Webpage: https://www.sadeghr.com
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ukFGD7wAAAAJ&hl=en