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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$1,183.12M Raised in 45 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - Los Angeles, California
  • 13/07/2023
  • Unknown
  • $2,700,000

PrivacyHawk is a venture backed software startup based in Southern California. Our privacy app empowers people to regain control of their privacy. The app is available on iOS and Android.

PrivacyHawk automatically helps its users opt out from having their data sold and from promotional emails. Or you can delete your data altogether. This reduces the risk of being hacked, scammed, and receiving spam. And it provides peace of mind that your privacy is in your hands and you have stopped the careless buying and selling of your personal, private data from thousands of companies around the world.

Related People

Aaron MendesFounder

Aaron Mendes United States - San Diego County, California

Product oriented tech entrepreneur, executive, and investor. Specialized in AI/machine learning, software, product leadership, UI/UX, big data, analytics, startups, digital marketing, and exec leadership (among other things).

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