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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$820.42M Raised in 63 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - New York, NY
  • 11/11/2021
  • Series A
  • $5,450,000

Know­ify was founded in 2012 based on the premise that it was time for the busi­ness man­age­ment tech­nol­ogy rev­o­lu­tion to reach small busi­nesses. Our aim is to stream­line and sim­plify many of the frus­trat­ing aspects of run­ning a contracting busi­ness, leav­ing you and your employ­ees freer to focus on serv­ing your customers, managing work orders, and tracking your progress and profitability.

Knowify can help your contracting business manage service tickets, work orders, and contract jobs all on one platform. Knowify encompasses estimation, job costing, contract and change order management, project tracking, time tracking, invoicing, purchasing, billing, and scheduling. Know your business, grow your business.

Related People

Marc VisentCo Founder

Marc Visent United States - New York City Metropolitan Area

Currently, I manage Knowify.

Before that, I oGolfed, got my MBA at NYU Stern, practiced law at Uría Menéndez, and interned in a couple of fun places.

Specialties: Developing Internet products and practicing casual law.