Certified by Founder
start up

- 19/03/2024
- Unknown
- $634,247
InvenireX is developing real-time, ultra-sensitive Nucleic Acid detection instrumentation powered by the latest object-detection neural networks, to empower our Scientists to accelerate life-sciences research.
- Industry Biotechnology Research
- Website https://www.invenirex.co.uk/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/invenirex/
Related People
Dan ToddFounder

Scientist- Biochemist/DNA Nanotechnologist, Inventor.
Founder & CEO, Invenirex
Completing PhD at the Interdisciplinary Computing and Complex BioSystems (ICOS) research group(https://ico2s.org/) Team member on EnDROIDS - A Royal Academy of Engineering project that uses biology and nanotechnology to create green-by-design molecular data-structures for a data-hungry world.(https://endroids.ico2s.org/)
Venture Scientist- on the startup X track in Cohort 6 with ConceptionX