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3 Latest Announced Rounds

  • $80,000,000
    Series C

    2 Investors

    IT Services and IT Consulting
    Sep 27th, 2024
  • $2,143,528

    1 Investors

    Computer & Network Security
    Sep 27th, 2024
  • $12,000,000

    2 Investors

    Research Services
    Sep 27th, 2024
$1,390.46M Raised in 84 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - New York, NY
  • 21/08/2024
  • Seed
  • $3,700,000

Cassidy securely integrates with your existing tools & company knowledge, enabling you to create AI assistants and workflow automations personalized to your business.

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Justin FinebergFounder

Justin Fineberg United States - New York, New York

Hey, I'm Justin. I enjoy building innovative products and disruptive brands.

I'm the CEO of Cassidy, a platform that enables companies to build AI automations using their unique business knowledge.

I also make content about AI and how businesses can use this technology to be more efficient and grow faster.

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