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$1,010.05M Raised in 68 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile


start up
United States - Austin, Texas
  • 04/01/2022
  • Unknown
  • $100,000,000

Atmosphere is the world's leading streaming TV service for businesses, offering original, audio-optional TV channels. There is a channel for every business and mood. Atmosphere's TV channels fill the void for businesses in a world dominated by linear cable TV suited for at-home viewing. No cable carrier has addressed the need for TV programming that doesn't require audio or the love of sports to be enjoyed.

Atmosphere's founders recognized that TV for business was broken and they set out to fix it. Closed-captioned talking heads, news and reality TV on mute is no way to watch TV in businesses. So Atmosphere set off to conquer an entirely new class of TV programming: audio-optional streaming TV.

Businesses can now run their own marketing promotions and house ads within Atmosphere by utilizing a simple Digital Signage feature, and keep the content fresh with custom playlists!

Atmosphere was incubated under Chive Media Group and spun out in 2019.

Related People

Leo ResigCo Founder

Leo Resig United States - Austin, Texas

I start businesses with the mission to make the world a happier place. I'm a veteran of the digital media and e-comm space and a curious pioneer of the streaming TV space with a voracious appetite for reconstructing TV programming for businesses in the post-cable world.

Co-creator of theCHIVE with my brother John Resig. The 12-year-old website and app still wear the humble crown of the largest men's humor and lifestyle website in the US. TheChivery.com is our "gift-shop" for Chivers that produces humorous t-shirts with amazing partners like Bill Murray, Broken Lizzard and Chris Farley's estate.

We spun-off CHIVE TV in 2019 into a new streaming-tv-for-business platform called Atmosphere, which is the first and largest streaming TV service for businesses.