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Funding Round Profile


United Kingdom - London
  • 10/11/2022
  • Unknown
  • $2,400,000

EdenBase is an optimised environment supporting the supergrowth of the next set of Game Changers.

Derisks tech investing and multiplies returns.

After careers in innovation and disruptive tech, over the last 10 years, our founders have:
▸ developed both the UK’s innovation and the technology startup strategy
▸ established two of the world’s most successful tech ecosystems
▸ visualised and created one of the UK’s first $trillion product opportunities
▸ spawned over 200 inspiring startups including 6 unicorns and 11 half unicorns

We invest capital, knowledge and technology to transform high potential startups to realise responsible supergrowth.

Creating a network of communities that shares, uses and challenges knowledge to create and benefit from sustainable supergrowth companies. The post-COVID world will intensify this.

We believe that all long-term growth is achieved through invention and adaptation and that without knowledge this is impossible. Education, and knowledge, are therefore always great investments. Whilst money and power are zero sum games. And therefore knowledge is exponential - if it’s used.
With frontier technologies, the combination of AI, and DLT nad 5G are the new knowledge.

Our competition will identify the first startups that we will invest in and to join and benefit from our transformative community in London, UK.

We are looking for:
▸ Companies who can become super-performers by implementing technology such as AI or Blockchain/5G
▸ Potential fast-track investments in Companies with Covid-beating solutions for travel (eg commuting) and places (eg offices, meeting rooms, restaurants, cinemas, schools, stadiums etc.)

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Daniel Doll-SteinbergFounder

Daniel Doll-Steinberg United Kingdom - ND

After a career in investment banking in global derivatives technology in London and New York, founded, co-founded and invested in several companies in the games, entertainment and marketing technology platform spaces.

Since 2016 dedicated to the Blockchain and Decentralisation focussed on bringing real world companies to the Blockchain in 4 verticals: entertainment, gaming, real estate and retail.

A co-founder of Blockchainsmokers and the Atari Token and Platform Network.

For several years appointed an expert to advise both the UK Government and the European Commission on innovation, growth and education policy. A two-term UK appointed member of the European Commission Enterprise Policy Group (Business Chamber) and a member of the UK Government’s EU Advisory Group for the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. Currently part of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain.

BEng from the University of Manchester.
Lectured a course on supply chain innovation at University College London, as an Honorary Senior Research Associate.