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Vikram Aditya

Current Founder Lodge Member
Vikram Aditya San Francisco, California , United states

👋 Currently, I'm building DaOLen which is in the DAOTech space. We hypothesize that DAOs are going to be the future of work. DAOLens is focused on the four-step journey in the lifecycle starting from DAO discovery -> onboarding to reduce churn -> meaningful contribution -> effective DAO infrastructure.

Previously, I was heading the Product at Merkle Science (Crypto Forensics and Compliance). We were creating the infrastructure necessary to ensure the safe and healthy growth of the industry, supporting the transition as cryptocurrencies consolidate with the $22 trillion financial services market.

Additionally, I keep consulting and fiddling around on some personal side-projects. Previously, I was the Senior Director of Product Design at Sprinklr, working with thousands of brands like Disney, McDonald's, Apple, Prada, Loreal, Redbull, P&G, Nike, Samsung you name it. On the side, I was developing a team, building a culture & establishing values. Sprinklr was phenomenal with 360 exposure, continuous interface with C-Suite.

My Website: https://meetvikram.com/
My Email: me@meetvikram.com
My Book (137 Mistakes You Should Make Designing With Executives): https://meetvikram.com/book
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/viks_rum


🏄‍♂️ I keep playing around with ideas on the side or over the weekend.
Explorations: https://meetvikram.com/explorations

🚀 I specifically enjoy discussions around these domains.
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Technology
Well-Being Tech
Education (Micro-Learning, Verticalization)
Embedded and Decentralized E-Commerce


🙏 I have been surrounded by brilliant individuals who fall under the category of 'best and often in the backdrop'. I've played around with lots of frameworks around hiring, motivating the team, collaboration, prioritization, product discovery, peer-learning, mentorship. Just drop in a hi to know more.

🧘🏼‍♂️ My Schooling was in a traditional Gurukul.
🎓 I did my Bachelors @ IIT Guwahati in Design.

Life has been very kind. I have a few things documented. Overall, it's about making small, and big wins count. I invest a lot in learning and introspecting over whatever I do.

⚡️ Additional Links
My Story: https://meetvikram.com/story
My User Guide (inspired by Julie Zhuo): https://meetvikram.com/project/my-user-guide
How I Learn: https://meetvikram.com/project/how-do-i-learn
How I Design: https://meetvikram.com/project/how-i-design
My BookShelf: https://meetvikram.com/my-bookshelf

Start-Up Details


DaoLens is working towards bridging the contributor gap problem around DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). At DaoLens we help contributors discover DAOs where they belong. Earn whatever you want doing things you love because DAOs are changing where we will work in the future.

Join our discord - https://app.daolens.com/daolens/new

    • Raised Less than $200,000
    • Raised Less than $1,000,000
    • Did not raise capital
    • Raised Less than $500,000
    • Has no cashflow
    • Has no employees
    • I'm open to business proposals / partnerships from other founders.
    Funding Rounds
    • $5,000,000 - Pre-Seed - 2022 Jun 15