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Tim Londergan

Current Founder Lodge Member
Tim Londergan Vancouver, British Columbia , Canada

Are your trade secrets. safe?

✔ Schedule a call with us here for a quick meeting: https://bit.ly/tangibly

Tangibly helps demystify legal requirements and implement best practices to establish company assets as legally enforceable trade secrets.

✅ Cataloging assets, acknowledgment workflow, and access management.
✅ Tracking required legal agreements from NDAs, and employment agreements to partnership agreements.
✅ Employee/partner education and training.

Manage Your Trade Secrets enforceably Now!

Most trade secret cases end up hinging on a few key areas. First is the question of whether the company has taken reasonable measures to ensure confidentiality. There are many nuances to this requirement, and it is an area of significant vulnerability in court.

The second area is awareness and communication. The argument of 'I had no idea it was a trade secret’ is alive and well and is an editorial on how poorly companies are doing at managing their assets.

Finally, legal contracts that have been poorly managed - like NDAs and employment agreements - remain fodder for opposing counsel.

The time has come for a system to manage trade secrets. That is what we’ve built at Tangibly.

Start-Up Details

Tangibly Inc

Tangibly is helping companies manage one of their most valuable assets: trade secrets.
For far too long, trade secrets have taken a back seat to their patent cousins.
But things are changing and they are changing fast.
Many companies are realizing trade secret laws provide significant protection for their intellectual assets.
But all of the necessary processes are DIY, there’s no clear-cut blueprint, and it’s a very steep hill to climb to figure it all out on your own.
Innovation rules the day. Trade secrets protect your competitive edge. Start managing them today with Tangibly.

    • Raised Less than $200,000
    • Raised Less than $1,000,000
    • Did not raise capital
    • Raised Less than $500,000
    • Has no cashflow
    • Has no employees
    • I'm open to business proposals / partnerships from other founders.
    Funding Rounds
    • $700,000 - Pre-Seed - 2022 Feb 07