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$13,509.83M Raised in 76 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Santiago de los Reyes

Current Founder Lodge Member
Santiago de los Reyes Auckland, Auckland, , New zealand

I’m a sustainability entrepreneur with a background on sales and networking.

My passion is to link the dots between people and ideas to achieve a better, more sustainable and kind world.

I’m glad to have been in the right moment in the right place to meet my colleagues at Vertus Energy because together we are doing a great job fighting climate change and changing the paradigm of how we all see waste.

Reach out on https://calendly.com/santiago-vertusenergy

Start-Up Details

Vertus Energy

Vertus Energy is driven by the purpose to Deliver Energy Justice for All. We are achieving this by creating currently untapped value from carbon and revolutionising the BioFuels and BioChemicals industry.

Our BioCatalytic Platform technology enables us to control bacterial behaviour with our first product, BRIO™, extracting 60% more energy; 3 times faster from organic waste to energy than is currently possible.

Reach out to us on hello@vertusenergy.co.nz

    • Raised Less than $200,000
    • Raised Less than $1,000,000
    • Did not raise capital
    • Raised Less than $500,000
    • Has no cashflow
    • Has no employees
    • I'm open to business proposals / partnerships from other founders.
    Funding Rounds
    • $1,200,000.00 - Pre-Seed - 2021 Oct 27