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3 Latest Announced Rounds

$655.12M Raised in 43 Funding Rounds in the past 7 Days - View All

Funding Round Profile

FastWave Medical

start up
United States - Maple Grove, Minnesota
  • 18/12/2024
  • Unknown
  • $19,000,000

We’re developing next-level intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) systems.

Related People

Scott NelsonCo Founder

Scott Nelson United States - ND


Co-founder and CEO of FastWave Medical: fastwavemedical.com

Founding Partner and Managing Director at Bluewater: bluewater.health

Founder of Medsider: medsider.com

Co-founder of Joovv: joovv.com

Longer version...

I'm deeply interested in the overlap of traditional medtech and preventative, consumer-driven health. I've had the pleasure of working at the intersection of these two worlds for most of my professional career.

I'm a Founding Partner and Managing Director of BLUEWATER, a leading accelerator within the interventional medtech space. I serve as President and CEO of FASTWAVE MEDICAL, a spin-out company founded by Bluewater partners, which successfully closed on over $40M in venture capital.

I'm a co-founder of JOOVV, the first medical-grade, full-body red light therapy system with a patented modular design.

I'm the founder of MEDSIDER, a digitally native media company focused on disseminating key insights from medtech and healthech founders and CEOs. In addition to Medsider, I'm also a contributor to FORBES and MASS DEVICE.

Previously, I spent my entire professional career in various medtech and healthcare leadership positions at BOSTON SCIENTIFIC, MEDTRONIC, TOUCH SURGERY, W2O GROUP, and several other companies.

I'm married to a wonderful woman, who inspires me greatly. Together, we have two lovely girls, four amazing boys, and a few pups.

Personally and professionally, I'm a big believer in the continuous feedback loop of trying, failing, and learning. And pressing into the areas of life you deeply care about.